Why We Are Different
We have been working hard to set our services apart from our peers in the industry and we have succeeded.
These are just 9 ways we are different from other testing laboratories in the market. In other words, 9 reasons why you shouldn't hesitate to work with us.
Our prices are among the lowest
We have the distinct advantage of offering world-class service at an affordable price due to our unique geographic location in Southeast Asia. We are confident that our prices are lower than any of our competitors. Don't believe us? Challenge us and ask for a quote today.
We are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited
Our laboratories are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited with 59 test methods under the scope of accreditation. You don’t have to worry about sending your samples to some dubious laboratory with questionable results.
We deliver test results at high speed
Our processes are streamlined for better turnaround time and we process each request as soon as we receive them to prevent unnecessary queues. Our pledge is to deliver your request between 21 working days (for simple tests) and 60 days (for more complex tests) from the day we receive your sample.
We are the first in Southeast Asia
Viroxy is the first ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory in Southeast Asia offering comprehensive disinfectant efficacy tests according to the European Norms and we are considered as specialists by our clients.
We don't just focus on laboratory testing
As much as we'd like to focus solely on laboratory testing services, we think it would benefit our clients more if we shared our expertise in medical devices registration. By offering consultation services, we are able to provide a holistic solution to our clients.
We collaborate with our clients
Our correspondences with clients do not always start with a test request and end in a test report. When a result is not as expected by client, we try to explain the possible causes and offer advice to improve future results.
Largest inventory of test microorganisms
We are confident that we are the first testing laboratory in Southeast Asia with a collection of 189 microorganisms ranging from bacteria and fungi to viruses and spores. If there is a test microorganism not available in our inventory, just let us know.
We also include provisional norms
In addition to approved and accepted European Norms, we also conduct tests according to provisional norms pending approval from the relevant committee. Our clients proceed with testing activities as usual while a norm is awaiting approval, saving them time and minimising disruption.
We research beyond the standards
At our laboratory, we conduct more than just tests. From time to time, we conduct independent research and studies to find out if the methods outlined in the norms or standards yield similar results under different circumstances. These usually make for great case studies that help our clients immensely.